CAJHL announces Commissioner

The Canadian-American Hockey Junior Hockey League (CAJHL)is pleased to announce that Kelly Bruce will be its new Commissioner. 

Kelly will serve in a dual role capacity as he is also currently the Commissioner of the Premier Hockey League Academy (PHL). Bruce has accepted the dual role to assist the CAJHL in providing guidance and leadership as it moves forward in the development of the league. Kelly has developed the PHL into an almost 50-team league in a very short amount of time.
The CAJHL will continue to expand in a clear methodical approach with ownership of each team being served by strong hockey and business-minded individuals. "We're not going to grow the league for the sake of growth", said CAJHL President Bryan Brown, "we want our teams to be owned by good hockey people who also have a good business sense. It has to make sense all around. We have added a new team with the AMP Warriors in Calgary and will announce another for the upcoming season shortly. We have a long list of interested parties for the 2023/24 season but we are taking the time to ensure that we have proper vetting in place and that the teams will have time to put a good program together." 

Bruce's responsibilities will be to assist in the administration of the CAJHL with duties including but not limited to:

Providing leadership to CAJHL in relation to its various short-term and long-term strategic planning initiatives, communicating with all-league stakeholders about the goals, objectives, and activities of the league, overseeing the execution, delivery, and enforcement of the Player agreement and the license agreement, overseeing all communications with the CAJHL relating to league hockey operations, oversee the co-ordination of all player transactions, within and outside League, in conjunction with established CAJHL rules and policies. Bruce will also be a standing member of the Discipline Committee and the Hockey Operations Committee and will supervise and direct business and affairs of the league at the direction of the Board of Directors.

And mostly, Bruce will serve as a key advocate of the Canadian-American Junior Hockey League.

Welcome to the CAJHL, Kelly. We look forward to working with you!

Kelly's email is and his contact number is 403-860-7045.